Sounds in Nature

Saturday, September 28 & Sunday, September 29 at 10 am – at the Campfire & Mary West Nature Reserve

(please book early – limited capacity. Recommended ages 14+)

Enjoy a magical autumn morning amidst the ancient splendour of colourful forests, peaceful streams and turning leaves. Watch as its beauty is transformed into music by Ben Finley & friends! Small groups of 18 meet around the Campfire then are guided on a nature walk through the Mary West Nature Reserve just across the road from Westben, then back to the Westben Campfire for local flower-based refreshments, snacks, and conversations with the artists. An amazing music & nature wellness experience! And uniquely Westben…

“This experience allows you to connect with nature in a way you would never expect. The combination of forest bathing and music brings the forest to life, as if it is singing to you. To see (hear) how every sound in nature can be turned into a piece of music was unbelievable.”

– Kristin Schaab


$68.00 Adult | $66.00 Senior

(all ticket prices + HST)


Galaxy Sponsor